Our Story
Forces of Nature is a youth organization founded by Will Charouhis at age 13 in Miami, after experiencing the impact climate change was having on the Atlantic Ocean, the Everglades and his community. More than 7.2 million people in the Miami area live less than 4 feet above the high-tide line. Frustrated by inaction, Will started gathering friends to organize something hard to ignore. Young activists from diverse backgrounds across the country, asnd as far away as Bangledesh and Ghana have joined Forces of Nature in a relentless mission to halt climate change. ​
Lily Paden, a 2022 graduate of UCLA, witnessed California 's Woolsey Fire rip through her hometown and devastate her community. Quick to partner with Will to co-found Forces of Nature, Lily believes we’ve got to start with ourselves. Whether you are a student, a scientist, an artist, or a politician, we must all understand how our actions contribute to climate change and how we can contribute to the solution.
But the sand in the hourglass is running out. Forces of Nature joins other youth movements across the nation to bring about the action we need, now.