Forces of Nature is a youth-led movement to save our planet by calling for an end to the climate crisis. Here’s how we get there:
No New Fossil Fuel Projects anywhere. Ban all oil, coal, and gas projects from being built through local resolutions and community resistance.
A Fast and Just Transition to 100% Renewable Energy by 2030. Economically incentivize and legally enforce a complete and just transition away from fossil fuels to a new clean energy economy.
Leveraging Biotech. From biobased consumer products like mushroom-leather sneakers, to biofuels, to biomanufacturing to make things like pharmaceutical ingredients in more sustainable ways, biotech is a critical tool in addressing climate change.
No Continued Deforestation anywhere by 2025 Economically incentivize landowners and farmers to produce alternate food sources that don't require cutting down any more of our trees.
Reforestation. Reforest our communities by requiring all local building projects to increase their setbacks for additional green space. Demand all large new developments beautify their surrounding neighborhood with trees--it will increase their business traffic. Plant trees on 10% of the earth’s land.
Education. Americas have a greater carbon footprint, per capita than anywhere else in the world. Our exploding population is using resources faster than they can be replaced and leaving behind a trail of poisonous carbon emissions in the process. But there is a lot we can do. We can learn from developed countries that have carbon footprints a third of ours, and from entrepreneurial businesses that have already developed the technology to bring about necessary change here in the US. Let's get the conversation started-everywhere.
Switch to a healthier, greener diet. Change what you eat; change how much you eat; change how much you waste.
Don't look back. We're not going that way.
- Will Charouhis, founder, Forces of Nature